Colon Hydrotherapy- Closed System

Experience the Gentle Difference

Colon Hydrotherapy Colon Hydrotherapy hydrates the colon. The treatment is a gentle internal bath that aids your body in the detoxification process. It is one of the most effective colon cleansing methods. Colon hydrotherapy gently detoxifies and cleanses your system by moving the accumulated waste out of your body quickly, giving your body a chance to naturally refocus on rejuvenating itself.

Why Colon Cleansing is Important

Accumulated toxins may be absorbed into the system and over time may stress the organs of elimination which are the liver, kidneys, skin, and large intestine. The toxins move around and around in both the lymph system and blood, slowly causing auto-intoxication which then leads to disease.

Many people likely have years of impacted waste material in their colon. When you begin the colon cleansing process through fasting, healthy eating or lifestyle changes, the waste materials begin to break down and move out. Colon hydrotherapy helps your body eliminate these toxins.

John Wayne died from Colon Cancer with 40 pounds of fecal matter in his intestines!

What to Expect

Colon HydrotherapyYour Colon Hydrotherapy treatment starts with you removing your clothes from the waist down in private. You wear a hospital gown during your session and are not exposed. The Colon Hydrotherapy session starts with you laying down on a hospital bed covered with a blanket. A speculum is inserted into the rectum approx. 1 inch. During the process your stomach is massaged to assist in loosening the fecal matter from the intestinal walls.

The Colon Hydrotherapy session lasts approx. 1 hour. You may experience cramping, nausea,  hot and cold sweats while you are releasing disease causing toxins. When your session is complete you will sit on the toilet in privacy to release the remaining fecal matter with the assistance of gravity.


  • Single Session: $75.00

Pre-Paid Packages:

  •   6 Sessions –  $420.00
  • 12 Sessions – $780.00

Additional Information:

  •  Drink additional water to hydrate your Intestinal track prior to your session
  • Avoid large meals 1 hour prior to your session
  • Yes! You can go back to work or your normal daily routine

To Schedule your Colon Hydrotherapy Appointment:

  • Please contact Debbie Bailey – 805-440-4334
  • Internationally Certified
  • Kelly Ferreira – 805-391-7991

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